A unique, global platform for public transport professionals to take the lead in urban mobility.
Beverly Scott will be the Chairwoman at PS 13 “Urban Transition – Planning Neighbourhoods for People” on May 16th (2:30 pm – 4)
The Global Public Transport Summit (GPTS) is a unique event that covers all urban and regional transport modes. It combines a full programme of congress sessions with an exhibition of the latest solutions, innovations and products in public transport and urban mobility.
The Summit itself has a long history, dating back to 1886. Once known as the UITP World Congress & Exhibition, today the event is considered the not-to-miss occasion for the international public transport community, transport ministers, mayors, industry CEOs and urban visionaries to debate and explore the strategic vision and business activities of the sector.
The theme for the 2017 Global Public Transport Summit is ‘LEAD the TRANSITion’, chosen because it reflects the evolution of the public transport sector.
In times of increasing digitalisation, advances in green energy and the related emergence of new players, our sector is witnessing rapid changes in urban mobility. As a whole, we cannot afford to let this evolution take place without our involvement.
Our community has to face these challenges and develop our role in the evolving world of public transport and urban mobility. We need to play an active part as leaders and innovators.