HA O KE KAI: 2019 Hawai’i Climate Conference (Scott Keynote: “Climate Change & Equity”)
Hosted by the Hawai’i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission, discussions at the 2019 Conference are intended to help further educate and actively engage the general public in the State’s call to action to address the effects of global warming and climate change. (https://www.civilbeat.org/2019/01/fight-against-climate-change-is-an-all-in-war/;http://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/post/equity-climate-solutions-focus-hawai-i-climate-conference).
Dr. Scott’s keynote address focused on “Climate Change & Equity” – highlighting both societal inequities and serious challenges that have often been created and perpetuated by our carbon economy. And, at the same time, the tremendous opportunities that a just transition affords to stem rising inequality and focus collective effort on achieving “shared prosperity”.
A national leader in committing to decarbonizing its economy, Hawaii is equally committed to ensuring that its new policies, plans, and programs to respond to the effects of a warming planet are anchored with a strong “equity” lens from the outset.
Hawai’i has a goal to reach 100% renewable electricity by 100% — with significant progress marked in the electricity sector. On the mitigation side, the conference highlighted its attention on reducing carbon emissions in Hawai’i’s ground transportation sector.
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